viernes, 9 de mayo de 2008

Carta abierta a Metallica

Transcrito directamente de, carta abierta de Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters, Nirvana....) a Metallica:

Former Nirvana drummer and current Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl has released the following "open letter" to Metallica:

"Dear Metallica,

"Hey, it's Dave! Remember me? Yeah, I'm the guy that's been listening to your band faithfully since 1983. I bought your first album 'Kill 'Em All' from a mailorder catalogue called Under The Rainbow, I think. Actually I can't remember. It was 1983 for Christsakes! But that album changed my life and I've been listening to your albums ever since (even 'St Anger'!).

"I can't wait to hear the new shit, and no matter what you guys do I'll always be first one at the shop waiting to hear it. I'm sure you'll come out and blow everybody's fuckin' minds, because you're fuckin' Metallica!

"Good luck. And don't release it until it's kick-ass.

"Yours, Dave Grohl.

"P.S. Are you finished recording the drums yet?"

Gracias a Alons....Y buena carta de Dave Grohl. Realmente todos esperamos con impaciencia la llegada del nuevo material. Por cierto, algún día hablaremos de Dave Grohl, su paso por Nirvana, Foo Fighters, colaboraciones con Nine Inch Nails o Queens of the Stone Age.

Saludos a mis pocos lectores!!

1 comentario:

Lizz dijo...

Hola jorjas. Sabes me gusto mucho tu blog es por eso que me hize seguidora espero que sigas escribiendo y pases por mi blog. Me encantaria entablar una conversacion contigo por messenger, por lo que escribes se nota que sabes mucho de musica y eso me llama la antencion bueno si te interesa puedes dejar un comentario en mi blog =) bueno un gusto ser tu seguidora y nos vemos.
pd: A todo esto me llamo Elizabeth